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Cincinnati Alluvial 002
20.00 Acres
Unpatented Placer Claim
NM # 106xxxxx
Tres Hermanas Mining District
Luna County, New Mexico

Price: 5,500 USD



Buy the Cincinnati Alluvial 002 Unpatented Placer Claim for 2,500 USD outright.

Financing Not Available On This Claim 

Primary Metal
Gold & Silver

Nugget, Flake, & Fines

Claim Features

Exposed Bedrock

Close To Lode Source Deposit

Year Round Mining Season

The remote yet accessible Chloride Creek Valley produces phenomenal gold ranging from fines, pickers, and nuggets. 
This claim has large amounts of alluvial cobble material to be processed and will take years of mining to work thru the large volume of runnable material.
In addition, the placers also produce native silver and silver chloride.  Also, Morriatite and Smithsonite can also be occasionally located intermixed with the alluvial placer gravels.
Covering over 1,320 feet of alluvial dry streambed on Chloride Creek, this claim has a mix of fine alluvial materials, large boulders, and numerous portions of exposed and shallow bedrock. 
Enjoy year round mining with temperate summers and warm winters.  
This claim is best suited for a Keene Engineering 151S dry washer and decent metal detector.
This claim is perfect for a small dry washing a metal detecting operation.
  The Wolverine 001 Placer Claim is located approximately 7 miles west of the town of Chloride, New Mexico. 
The benefit to mining is New Mexico is of course the year round weather.  Add in the monsoon season which usually deposits fresh gold into the washes and alters the stream course you have a new challenge and opportunity every year on this claim.
Of all of the locations I have worked in across the American West the Chloride Creek valley still holds a large untapped mineral potential.  Steep towering canyon walls that twist and turn are overshadowed by the Apache Vein; a north south striking behemoth of epithermal origin that cut its way thru the valley leaving behind dozens of parallel veins, quartz stock works, limonite, and massive hydrothermal alteration.
Gold, Silver, Silver Chloride, Lead, Copper, Iron, Tellurium, Smithsonite, Mottramite, Quartz, Calcendoy, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Sylvinite,  Zinc, Azurite, Bornite, Calaverite, Calcite, Galena, Cuprite, Garnet, Magnetite, Malachite, Molybdenite, Amethyst, Sphalerite, Wulfenite
Rock Types
Andesite, Clay, Dolostone, Limestone, Rhyolite, Sandstone
Igneous Rock - Normal Crystalline Igneous Rock - Fine Grained Volcanics
Numerous hard rock mines have operated in close proximity to this placer claim including the Silver Monument, Blackwater Gulch, Stiletto Mine, and many other unlisted mine shafts and adits. 
Permits are easy to acquire and generally only necessary if you use mechanized equipment, or need to camp in one spot more than 14 days per month.  New Mexico is a very mining friendly state for both lode and placer miners alike. 
Aerial Photos 
Dispersed Camping is allowed on this claim.  There are numerous alternative dispersed camping areas within a half mile radius of this claim.  Additionally, the town of Chloride located less than 7 miles away and has a small RV park in the historic ghost town of Chloride, New Mexico outfitted with primitive or powered RV campsites.
Claim Map
Satellite Claim Boundary Overlay

As of February/March 2024 the road has been updated to provide better access from the town of Chloride into the the claim.  A pickup truck or similar SUV is recommended as the road conditions are constantly changing.  There is parking available in Chloride for truck/trailer combinations and lower clearance vehicles. 
With a pickup truck / similar SUV you can access the claims without problem and the access road parallels the creek wash making for creekside on claim parking with numerous small dispersed campsites located on the claim.


Recommended Gold Recovery Methods

Dry Washing, Metal Detecting, Crevicing 

Land Ownership Status

Forest Service

Gila National Forest General Area Info

The Gila National Forest is one of the largest National Forests in the lower 48 states.  Covering over 3 million acres the forest boasts relatively warm winter, cool summer temperatures and is host to many large and small mining operations in the present and past. 


Quality dispersed camping sites are found within the National Forest boundaries.

Prospecting, hunting, and ATV/UTV riding is very popular in the Forest.  Recently overloading camping adventures have found amazing multi day routes thru the forest covering magnificent view from barren desert to highly timbered areas.

The first log cabin was built in 1879 in Chloride after Harry Pye a veteran prospector and freighter found silver float that was a unique high grade silver called Silver Chloride, of which the town was named after.  Post discovery log cabins, tent cities, and a boomtown surrounding the find sprung up in and around present day Chloride.  


During this time period the Apache's who inhabited this land created havoc, chaos, and destruction for the incoming prospectors seeking to stake there own fortunes out.  Battles between the prospectors and Apache's were common place.

By 1887 the townsite of Chloride was officially established and in the coming years some 3,000 people called Chloride home.  The town included a newspaper, hotel, butcher ships, post office, and stage line.

Today the old ghost town still stands with 25 residents and a very active mining museum located in the rehabilitated and preserved town of Chloride.  The museum is open to visitors and walking tours, an RV park, and rest area is available to visitors.


What Is Included In The Purchase

  1. Quit Claim Deed

  2. Google Earth Map

  3. Waterproof 24X36 hardcopy 1:24,000 Map

  4. Corner & Discovery Point GPS Coordinates

  5. 2 Hours of Free Complimentary Consulting

  6. Certificate of Location Copy


Prospecting Disclaimer

The Wolverine Gulch 013 Unpatented Placer Claim NM# 106xxxxx is an Unpatented Federal Mining Claim.  Any form of mining or prospecting is barred without prior approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company.  This website listing does not constitute or convey approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company to mine or prospect the claim in any capacity.  Mineral theft is a Federal offense and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as listed in the 1872 Federal Mining Laws. 

Next Steps

  • Contact Me

  • Setup A Prospecting Day if you would like to test the claim before purchase (Optional)

  • Buy Outright or Finance In House

Contact Information


Tyler Long

Lead Prospector

Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company

Direct Line:  970-901-9043 

Copies Of Original Placer Claim Location Certificate

Cincinnati Alluvial 002 Placer Map Overlay.png
Cincinnati Alluvial 002 Sat Map Overlay.png
Cincinnati Alluvial 002 Quarter View.png
Cincinnati Alluvial 002 End View.png
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