Klondike Hollow Project 003
20.66 Acres
Unpatented Lode Claim
Bonanza Mining District
Saguache County, Colorado
CO# 105829449
Price: 6,500 USD
Primary Metal
Secondary Metals
Lead, Zinc
Purchase the Klondike Hollow Project 003 Lode Claim Outright For 6,500 USD.
Option (1)
Finance in house with 2,600 USD down and monthly payments of 193.63 USD for 24 months.
Claim Features
Precision Surveyed
Easy Access
Historic Workings
Located in the Rio Grande National Forest the Klondike Hollow Project 003 Unpatented Lode Claim is 20.00 acres of easily accessible yet remote mining claim. The claim features a large surface mine dump containing ore values and collapsed underground adit entrance.
The claim can be accessed by standard 4WD pickup trucks with camping located close by. Additionally, water runs thru the claim which is a rarity for a lode mine.
This claim would be best suited towards a small mining operation or weekend warrior as the mine dump does have very nice pieces of gold and silver ore disseminated throughout the mine dump.
The adit would take retimbering and digging work to make the underground workings of the mine viable.
Camping is allowed in the area for up to 14 continuous days.
10.5 miles from the town of Saguache.
With no thru access the claim has minimal traffic and has largely been sheltered for years by the high elevation, short mining season, and lack of continuous loop road infrastructure.
The Ford Creek/Bonita Hill area was primarily developed for its lode gold and silver sources. The lode mines are extensive in this area with numerous adits, shafts, and trenches dug and developed
The lode mines were viable enough to warrant a small prospectors tent/cabin boom town close by to this claim called Spook Hollow, old remnants of the town are still visible to this day.
Local alteration of early barren stage of alteration by fumarolic or acid hot spring activity resulted in intense silification, wall rock replacement by jasper and alteration products of hematite, diaspore, alunite, barite, zunyite, rutile, and kaolin minerals. Later mineralization stage by alkaline or neutral solutions deposited ore and gangue and caused micaceous alteration (sericite and chlorite) and calcite, quartz, and pyrite.
Associated Rocks
Rock Types
Volcanic Rock (Aphanititc) > Intermediate Volcanic Rock > Andesite
Rock Unit Name
Rawley Andesite
Stratigraphic Age
Host Rock
Rock Type
Volcanic Rock (Aphanititc) > Intermediate Volcanic Rock > Andesite
Rock Unit Name
Rawley Andesite
Geologic Structures
Sawatch Range, San Juan Volcanic Field, Rio Grande Rift
Bonanza Caldera
Claim Map
Recommended Mining Methods
Hard Rock Mining
What Is Included In The Purchase
Quit Claim Deed
Google Earth Map
Waterproof 24X36 hardcopy 1:24,000 Map
Corner & Discovery Point GPS Coordinates
2 Hours of Free Complimentary Consulting
Certificate of Location Copy
Prospecting Disclaimer
The Klondike Hollow Project 003 Unpatented Lode Claim CO# 105829449 is an Unpatented Federal Mining Claim. Any form of mining or prospecting is barred without prior approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company. This website listing does not constitute or convey approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company to mine or prospect the claim in any capacity. Mineral theft is a Federal offense and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as listed in the 1872 Federal Mining Laws.
Next Steps
Contact Me
Setup A Prospecting Day if you would like to test the claim before purchase (Optional)
Buy Outright or Finance In House
Contact Information
Tyler Long
Lead Prospector
Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company
Direct Line: 970-901-9043
Original Certificate Of Location